I, Superbiker: Split Second makes London premiere | Sport | Motorcyclenews.com

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I, Superbiker – the story of the 2014 MCE British Superbike Championship – has made it’s London premiere ahead of next week’s nationwide cinema release.

Showing at London’s exclusive Electric Cinema on Portebello Road, the film combines incredible action footage from the 2014 season – including onboard hsots never seen before – with exclusive behind the scenes access to tell the full story of the season.

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Dinxsy says:

Lots and lots of TV coverage on the events?,not that i recall,was very
little in past 2 seasons. 

MCN - Motorcyclenews.com says:
ThereYaGoRookie says:

Dude., not even a blippin’ preview trailer to go with this? wtf?

krissrock says:

really should have gotten the interviews BEFORE everyone was plastered

Tony Tricolor says:

Sarah is very beautiful

undeaddread says:

The 1st guy is out of his mind, probably done a few lines before the

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