Car accident caught on camera by Swedish TV4’s news team – Nyheterna (TV4)

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When a Swedish news team was out to make a story on a roundabout in Krokom, Sweden, that had been in the centre of many accidents, an accident occured in the middle of an interview. Watch the classic clip from 2002! (w/ English subtitles)

När TV4:s lokalreporter i Krokom skulle göra ett inslag om den olycksdrabbade rondellen skedde en ny olycka – mitt framför kameran. Se det klassiska inslaget från 2002.

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SvenskaVideor says:

“Ni ser ju här nu då… Jaha.” Han verkar vara van :D

Berta Lovejoy says:

Lol at these peasants still using the death trap known as “cars”. A true
tech savvy feminist and HAES (Health At Every Size) member like myself only
uses a mobility scooter. You can drive them on the road or the sidewalk,
you don’t ever have to walk, it’s genius! I advise everybody to join the
HAES revolution and get their own mobility scooter. Together we’ll make
walking a thing of the past!

Berta Lovejoy, Feminist, Promoter Of Equality, Love, and Peace.

Kris Metall says:

Fan va jag älskar Sverige. Så snabb hjälp.

Donovan Husband IV says:

I find it irresponsible that civic engineers would endanger the public like
this by leaving such a poorly designed road open to the public. They should
peruse reddits r/engineering and find someone who is more capable of better
infrastructure design. I would be willing to donate vast sums to this cause.

Donovan Husband IV
Philanthropist, Scholar, and Moderator of r/philosphy on reddit.

Anton Andersson says:

Älskar hur han vid 0:31 säger “det här var ju inte *ressigerat*”. <3

Melvin Blunk says:

The worse thing about this video is it is obviously staged. After
watching this clip 10 times I was able to see the flaws. The “accident” is
actually a miniature model, anyone who has seen a Star Wars movie knows
what I am talking about. Shameless attempt by Government officials to
justify extra taxes. 

Bitchslapper12 says:

Typiskt Tv4 att söka uppmärksamhet med ett tolv år gammalt klipp och
självklart väljer de engelska för att verkligen mjölka ur det sista. 

xXTheBennyXx says:

The classic clip from 2002…
Vem i helvetet kom på att posta det nu?

Zezztah says:

wtf is mark wahlberg doing in sweden?

mr johnson says:

Well respected redditor here (over 10,000 link karma, 5 front page memes).
I am going to make a ‘Bad Luck Brian’ meme out of this:
Top text: Drives car
Bottom text: Crashes
Make sure to upboat (reddit lingo) it over on reddit! If you’re religious
you’re not welcome sorry

Elmorto112 says:

reaktionen när bilen krashade: “jaha.”

KlMlS says:

Ei Ruottalaiset osaa ajaa autolla


The bright side is that this was the fastest help ever!

/r/adviceanimals moderator says:

Tier 1 redditor here! If their country ran a *reddit gold* based economy
instead, they could easily purchase trench coats and fedoras for their
citizens. This would lead to a 200% increase in intellectual memes and the
economy would sky rocket as the demand for funny reddit memes goes up.

LabTech says:

It can’t be THAT big of a deathtrap, considering when that guy crashed he
took the whole guardrail with him, which goes to two points:

1 – that guardrail didn’t do it’s job very well, seeing as it snapped in
two the moment it was hit.
2 – unless this country’s DPW is so good it can replace a guardrail in an
afternoon, it’s been a while since the last one.

Besides, any turn in that weather is perilous, especially considering it
was going into a roundabout that’s downhill of where you’re coming from.
The fact that he was probably also rubbernecking the news crew didn’t help
ANY intersection is a deathtrap if you’re going too fast and aren’t paying
attention, especially in inclement weather.

Boba Fett says:

Försvarmakten should send a couple of Frigates and mobilize search teams,
There is a Russian submarine hiding there and sniping cars as they pass by.

GurreMeister bf says:

jävla stockholmare ta bussen…

Gi Ma says:

Car accident caught on camera by Swedish TV4’s news team – Nyheterna (TV4)

Theodore Trilby says:

Physics expert here (Reddit sent me)

When my mum and I are in her minivan we have no problem with traction. With
our combined weight of 750 pounds the normal force of the car creates a
large amount of friction (confirmed by /u/Unidan on /r/AskScience).If
anything, it creates a slight rut in the road wherever we go. A double
positive because then we can easily find our way back from mountain dew
drinking contests.

-Theodore Trilby, Reddit professional

aydinvideo says:

“Hallo!” “Hilow” I see you’re downside up!

Reddit Admin says:

Hello everyone. I am an admin from the website Reddit. As you may know, we
are currently having an issue with a collection of trolls from one of our
subreddits who have been attacking a number of Youtube videos recently by
spamming in the comments. It is an issue we are resolving and hopefully
will stop them soon. For now though, the very best thing you can do is to
ignore them completely. Do not reply to any of them or upvote any of their
posts. Just keep reporting them and we’ll continue to do our best to rid
them from these comments. Our apologizes and keep Youtubing!!

– Reddit Admin

wersuss says:

poor audi , I had one like that , but red

Ozolz says:

why is he saying hallo? its a car not a phone

Ahteisto McFedora says:

Here we can see the optimal civilization, admire as the brave Swedes
approach and try to help the person, in my home country America the savage
Christian brutes wouldn’t move a finger to help. So disgusting there aren’t
more women in the clip though. -Atheisto McFedora, redditor.

prump1 says:

How can a television station upload a video with asymmetrical sound?

TheXeeman says:

the fireman at 0:20 looks like pink panther guy

Irina Sokolova says:

Snäll polis hläpl sparade man Bra för dig.

felix rolfsson says:

Älskade efter kraschen när dom kom fram och sa halloj

Hyran says:

Undra när detta var inspelat? Polisbilarna är ju lite äldre än dagens..
Konstigt att dom lägger upp såhär gamla klipp

Mikael Jakobsson says:

Här kan ni se respons tiden från bil olycka till räddningstjänst är på

Björne Björneson says:

Vad är det där för kläder han har på sig?

Dio Rex says:

Jävla tur att dom inte hamnade i pölen upponer!

Lumian says:

You can tell that the man who are speaking deals with emergencies
everyday… did you notice how calm he was ager the accident? :D

Albin Andersson says:


Johann Ortega says:

Winter driving.

gutteboy says:

wow i hope everything is ok with them….

Thunderbirds_Fan69 says:

den er jo fan med gammel!! va fan!!


Första han i gult sa halloj 

Zingo33 says:

En Rondellhund ville hjälpt.

Charles W God says:

Hallåj! Knack knack. Halloww! Det verkar som att du är upp och ned…

solarisX77 says:

Älskar hur han mitt i denna panik är lugn nog för att säga: “jaha, det här
var inte regisserat” precis innan han springer iväg. XD

JohanUlricPeter Stolle says:

Det måste säkert till en utredning om varför man måste fylla igen hålet.
Man kan ju bara hoppas att det blir någon ansvarig som drunknar.

Nicklas Odh says:

This is four or five years old, at least.

Swedishmoose2 says:

Fan, varför står de kvar vid bilen där det uppenbarligen är halkigt och där
det inte finns någon skyddsbarriär längre. Man får väl fan tänka längre än
näsan räcker då det lätt kunde ha kommit ett annat fordon som t.e.x.
lastbil som landar mitt på dem.

LocalLiife says:

I’m from Krokom myself, and this happens because nobody cares about the
speed limits. There’s a sign about 100 meters before the roundabout that
says “slow down” and another sign with a speed limit at 50 km/h, but
everybody is like “nope, fuck that”.

just a another noob says:

Svensker er dumme som jeg har sagt

Iso Ukki says:

“jaha….” *lol*

Aleš Dimnik says:

The site was not protected immediately after accident and luckily there was
no another car that could hit damaged car and rescuers. Finally fireman
truck protected the site of accident. Thank you for video.

opmdevil says:

Jag skrattar! LOL!

Aigars Aigar says:

Uzņemts pareizā vietā un pareizā laikā.

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