Krystyna loves racing motorcycles more than anyone has ever loved anything. Not even that much of an exaggeration.
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Style Driver
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Krystyna Kubran
Additional footage courtesy of:
Krystyna Kubran would like to thank those that make her racing possible:
Environmental Control Systems (ECS)
Graves Motorsports (
Ken Hill Coaching ( Jeremy Toye (#ToyeBuilt)
Alessandro Assanti of Bike911 (
Pirelli Tires (CT Racing –
Cortech (
Impact Safe-T Armor (
Scorpion Helmets (
KFG Racing/GP Suspension (
JRi Shocks (
HELLA HIGH California (
Moonstone Cellars (
MC ProDesign (
Chicken Hawk Racing (
Vortex Racing (
Joe Salas of 4theRiders (
RaceFuelz (
Motorex Oils (
Kubran Family
Matt Buanno
JJ Matter
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I really do not understan why are guys so pissed when girls get attencion
in this kind of things, and they start to say ” buzzfeed is a feminist ”
” feminazis ” and shit like that, i mean everybody should be a feminist,
it doesn’t only benefits girls, feminism is for guys too!!! sorry for my
english, i really tried. <3
I remember I was at my mates house and her dad said that I threw like a
girl. So I threw a tennis ball at his head. He has now got a large lump on
his forehead. He was asking for it.
Here come the sexist comments
can buzzfeed please please PLEASE do a video on the equestrian sport? or if
they haven’t already? I think it would be so cool for horse lovers like
myself 🙂 I have just been seeing a lot of videos on people and their
different passions and I think it would be cool if they had an equestrian
Hell yeah… it’s so humbling and inspiring to see women like her!
I don’t race but I ride the track often & let me tell you… it takes a lot
of courage, hard work & skill to ride like she does.
I am proud of every obstacle I have overcome to get this far although I
know I still have much to learn & accomplish but that is also part of what
I love about this thrilling sport!
That & all the wonderful people I’ve met, who I’m proud to call my biker
family. (^_^)
I’m a girl who is a computer science major so I can relate to being “the
only girl” but I never feel intimidated, I actually feel more empowered and
motivated to be on top.
Man does something: meh, its normal.
Woman does same thing: BADASS
I want gender equality.
how does one race like a specific gender
I really wanna drive formular 1 cars I love going down to the track and
helping out and I get a ride everytime so that’s fun and I have driven one
before its an amazing and beautiful sport but it’s so expensive it’s like
1.4 million pounds for 1 car
In come the raging meninsts in 3…2…1…
Sexist jokes aren’t even funny, like “that’s not a kitchen” and “that’s a
strange looking kitchen” oh ha fucking ha you’re hilarious even though your
joke is old and stupid. Congratulations you win at being fucking an
annoying, whiny pisslord.
Menism pisses me off so much. Men have been the dominant gender for
thousands of years. Now women want to have the exact same freedoms as men
and we can’t even have that? I want gender equality, both genders to be
Hello there 😀
Ima dude, and I understand women’s rights. Life for them is not fair. They
get less pay, looked down upon by most men, and not to mention periods and
labor. And girls can be more sensitive then men, so we all have to treat
them well, that’s for sure. It’s kinda our job to comfort women. Feminists
are right to preach about everything I listed up there, including rape, I
forgot rape, one of the worst. So yeah I preach, but now (don’t call me
satan) I think it’s gotten out of hand. Women are constantly asking for
these rights (that they deserve). But now, some are just shoving it down
our throats, they are getting to the point that now not only are they
asking for fair rights, (Obamas working on that btw) but they are asking
for more rights and power than men. I saw this one woman in another FUCKING
POSTING……… sry bout that. I know that women need inspirational videos
every now and again, but it’s been like, what with all the buzzfeed
channels, probably over about 20 feminist videos in a row, and it pisses me
off. Anyways, I saw this woman in another video, talking about how because
men have caused women so much pain over rape for more than a million years,
that instead of equal rights, men should be women’s slaves. I’m not gonna
push that on every girl. I’m sure most are cool with equal rights, but they
are asking for a bit more than us men can afford. Lots of people are trying
to accomplish equal rights by giving women lots of inspiration and
confidence, including me, or at least as best I can (not including this).
But some women are getting cocky, looking down on us as perverted cavemen
and thinking about themselves as the supreme and smartest sex of the
universe. But remember, we are the more powerful gender at the moment
(hopefully not for long though). And now as I look at these comments, I’m
getting pissed! Some women think that the world revolves around them, that
men should suck up to them and be their no pay butlers, because their lives
are so terrible. Lots of women do have terrible lives though. And me, I was
a lucky duck myself, born male. And other women, well… They think they
do. You see, they can take first world problems, (or problems that they
should deal with by themselves, and problems that really aren’t too drastic
at all) and tend to blame them problems on feminism. In a way, lots of
those types of women I mentioned use feminism as an excuse to get what they
want. NOW WAIT, don’t rage yet. I really feel sorry for women who have to
go through very hard times in their lives because of men, and can sometimes
make me ashamed to be a man myself. And I treat my ladies with respect,
like they deserve. You see, I’m married I love to treat my wife like she
deserves. I will make HER food while she watching tv every other day (we
switch off) and sometimes I will go shopping while she stays home, but she
usually doesn’t like to. And what really pisses me off is when a guys will
take advantage of his lady, and be a couch potato, (like men are usually
as) while the woman works her ass of taking care of the baby, doing chores
around the house, etc. But nowadays I feel like some women take advantage
of our recent turn towards equal rights for them. They feel sorry for
themselves as men do as best they can, (I try, trust me) and they sit
around at home at their computers complaining about it while they wait for
feminism to abolish.
The point is that some women shouldn’t take equal rights towards right too
far, and that instead all the women complaining about it via YouTube
comments, that they should get their ass up, and do something about it.
And to all the other nice ladies out there, I hope to see out on the
football field very soon 😉
I may have just pissed off a lot of beautiful women out there, but don’t
get me wrong, more women (than men) have been working a lot harder for
thousands of years to be treated fairly. And I’m sorry for any woman I just
may have af fended out there. And I’m sorry that us men aren’t fair to you.
I try to be, but just 1 man can’t do much about it. And for anybody who is
still very mad at me, then I just want to say that I’m sorry, again. Yes, I
guess you could say I’m a “manist”, and that If you don’t like my opinion,
than I just want you to know that I’m just one person and probably not
worth your time. And also, that I think this is probably the nicest (or at
least respectful) way to express my opinion, and that if you read this
whole thing, that you probably never want to see another letter again.
But thanks, thanks for your time
-robofrog, signing off
Women: plays video games a lot with guys ; omg youre so cool omg :DDD
Men: joins a knitting club ; omg youre so gay ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Motorcycles are so fucking scary
Remember girls the reason there are so many sexist comments is all these
guys can’t get girls.
One thing I’m not understanding after scrolling through the comment
sections here is; Why would any man that has an issue with women being able
to ride motorcycles, click on a video (about women riding motorcycles)?
Look at it this way; if men can cook and sew (which many of them do) then
sure as hell any woman can ride a motorcycle. I’m going into my 7th season
as a female motorcycle rider. Good to see there are more admirable comments
rather than hateful ones on here. Videos like this are a true inspiration.
What It’s Like To Be A Woman Who Races Motorcycles ZX10 Enjoy
“Race like a girl,” Buzzfeed needs to stop using these titles that bring in
all the anti-feminists. I swear, it’s like they’re trying to start a flame
I believe a better title would be “The life of a motorcycle racer.”
At fist glimpse, I never would have taken her for a mechanical engineer.
Thats pretty awesome that she enjoys motorcycles, RACES THEM works on
bikes. I’ll take ladies like this over getting shit wasted every weekend
Nothing stops a woman form motor racing, its a skill which can be learnt.
Outside of racing,Woman can compete equal with men and some cases out
perform men, they only lack in physical strength
Did i miss when there was a stereotype that women can’t race? Do you have
to be into nascar to even hear that?
Maybe you should do a thing on a female hunter. Not many girls go out and
hunt which is a shame because it’s lots of fun. I’ve only seen a handful of
hunters (all different types), and I’ve only seen a few waterfowlers.
You are awesome!! not just because you are an awesome rider but you are a
mechanical engineer!! YEAH!
The motorcycle race sounds like a hive of bees.
She seems so happy doing what she likes to do. Love it! I really like
Why can’t women parallel park?
Cos they keep getting lied to about what 8 inches looks like!
I’m very supportive on women doing anything and everything. In most cases,
they can do it better than us guys so I encourage women never to
get discourage from negative vibes. Our genders might be different but on
the road, we both face the same dangers.
She’s awesome! <3
YAY finally a women who knows how it shoudl be.. the SAME JUST FUCKING THE
SAME!! ok? men arent better than women when we hate or love them.. and its
EXACTLY the same the other way around.. and i hate feminists AND MENISTS!
ill just be me and you be you internet! you be you..
Women make better riders initially because they have better balance and a
stronger sense of their center of gravity, however men usually are the ones
taking the time to hone their skills and and end up being better riders.
I like this chick. She is a woman who is proud of her career, and doesn’t
take shit from others for doing what she loves. Who cares if it’s a male
dominated field? If enough women do it then maybe it wouldn’t be!
Good for you, girl!
Strong women are sexy! Guys who are afraid to be with anyone who thinks
for themselves or does things because they like the thrill and aggression
are …PUSSIES! These guys are the REAL pussies! I love strong women!
That is awesome! Thanks for taking us along for the ride, Krystyna! One of
our local young ladies just made the pro car racing circuit!! You are an
awesome inspiration! Thank you
baby you did a good Job ^^
I’m not sure but they seem to be going extremely fast.
I LOVE THESE *__* LIKE A GIRL VIDEOS. Simply amazing people.
SHE’S SO ADORABLE!!!! And that’s really amazing! Keep up the amazing work!
Oh Lord…. I shouldn’t have scrolled down. I think I just lost around 75%
of my brain cells.
There are few things in this world that allow you to feel the complete
sensation of freedom, riding is one of them =^_^=
she’s awesome
Accomplished mechanical engineer, good mechanic and a successful motorcycle
racer. Awesome girl.
Next time I hear a woman claiming unequal rights I’m releasing hell….
Take note ladies, she is serious wife material.
I just unsubbed beacuse of all these feminist videos
she is a mechanical engineer with an expensive hobby :))
She is an AWESOME rider and attractive too. Any guy who would be
intimidated from dating Her is a wuss
Yes!! Women can ride bikes too!! There are 2 girls in Moto3 this year as
well, guys.
i hate when dudes trip about girls being in men dominated sports etc etc.
this shit practically gave me a boner.