Are Flying Cars the Future of Transit? Lauren Fix, The Car Coach

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Science fiction meets reality! Automotive expert Lauren Fix, The Car Coach discusses a new prototype of the flying car. What are the chances that flying cars take to the road (and the skies) in 2017?

Courtesy of CNNI
Aired: 3/17/2015

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Lauren Fix says:

Are you ready for flying cars? Automotive expert Lauren Fix reports for CNN

velocity550 says:

This idea has been around since Molt Taylor’s aerocar and have been
unsuccessful and cost prohibitive. That being said, the idea has never been
to takeoff and land at a shopping mall, it is designed to takeoff and land
at airports near your destination, fold the wings and drive to your
destination from the closest airport. Also, it is considered a roadable
aircraft. It is designed for the Light Sport category of aircraft which
means the operator must posses and Light Sport pilots license. It is
subject to all the current regulations and restrictions as the current
Light Sport aircraft have to comply with.
The Ultralight Aircraft you speak about are very limited in weight, speed
and distance
And it makes a lousy car but it saves having to pay for hangar rent which
is very expensive.

Lauren Fix says:
Jonathan Turner says:

alcohol or drugs? people take off in their personal planes now from their
own backyards, and we don’t know if they are on drugs or drunk

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