Your flying car is ready for take-off

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Flying cars aren’t just something out of a sci-fi film. Designers showing their prototype for a flying vehicle in New York say your next automobile is ready for take-off.Duration: 01:39


juniormafia27 says:

Gas is $3.85?????? 1:40

TheQbngamer says:

They already have those….just go to the airport get a small plane cut off
its wings it’s a car, put them back on its a plane

Dante Wilson says:

In your’e face CHINA!!!!!

alexjamespope says:

What a horrible landing at the end :/

megatrondecepticon2 says:

“This isn’t a car…”

Starman'sGaming Channel says:

Stop all the bad comments! If it werent desighned like a plane it wouldnt

Ryan Gford says:

i cant hear shit excwept the stupid speaker…

Sheogorath Daedric Princess of Douchebaggery says:

It looks stupid, why does everything humans do look so stupid? Can’t we
spare the time to add a lil class into our lives and where the fuck Is the
ultra-sonic engine

The Enigmatic Index says:

allow me to correct you “Why are you so serious”. I’m serious because of
the question you asked. The answer is obvious, “nerds” as you call them are
smart, that’s why they invent amazing things.

Andrew Parker says:

That’s not a flying car, it’s a plane with wheels

stig5057 says:

It’s call a auto-gyro.

FirstClass2013K says:

very lame…its not safe enough with propellers to even be on a road…and
not everyone can fly…its lame, a waste of money…

132zart says:

AH damn trafic jam hmmmmm time to take to the skies!!!!

AuditoryAlien says:

i wonder how im gonna land @ work. should put a system, but if any room for
subs, how bout rims, i would want rims. most important could i actually buy
that bitch!


The landing looked tough.

Spiritbombkamekameha says:

we will have a traffic jam at skyyy people

gearofduty2012 says:

but where will all the gas be by then.

The Enigmatic Index says:

You clearly are an idiot. Nerds are smart unlike you.

555victorrr says:

and what’s the difference?

Jamieson Brantley says:

It aint a car 😛

avaroses says:

ugly car.. nice plane..

Ana Carolina Mello says:

279000 dollars!! I cant afford that for a car 🙁 or a plane or whatever it

Farid Bahar says:

Why you so serious?

mustangcobra187 says:

How much is the price

Maleblade says:

My design proposal is a binary system composed of a Lifter (a VTOL) and a
small car/cockpit pod that plugs into or is carried by the lifter through
the air. The lifter is left at the parking/landing pad and the cockpit pod
driven around. Other pods can use the lifter in the mean time. The Lfter
can be used by another car wile the

A.Shafiq Mohd says:

have eject seat…??

Angel Hernandez says:


Daniel Spencer says:

what if you run out of fuel during mid flight in a helicopter? you
basically become a rock. at least in an airplane you have a chance.

Christian Dominique Bongcaron says:


stig5057 says:

It’s not a helicopter,look closer.

AustinCORUM. says:

its half of the front of a car and everything else is a plane…

a Canadian says:

Thumb if you seen this at school

lutherheggs says:

Just what we need! People can’t even drive on the ground.

morning morality says:

ask the inventor

Daniel Spencer says:

my question: how does elevator work, unless you just pull back on the
wheel. if so, what is turning radius for the wheel when it is in drive mode
vs. flight mode?

Hayder Aamer says:

كس خواتك قروده

Lucas Whitehead says:

how are they supposed to land in the streets?

TheIntollerantt says:

Freaking aeroplane.. Fools.

Daniel Spencer says:


Andrew Parker says:

My bad, i meant a plane with 4 wheels with with all the components and
functions of an automobile. Is that better?

dymproductions says:

This is just a plane with closing wings…

Alejandro Piedra says:

Its a plane

COD6R0X says:

All i need All i need is Gas money all i need xD

kahlilthemonster says:

i will intentionally be speeding if i owned this /catch me if you can

my94holden says:

gay i would just buy a second hand cessna and a muscle car for that money

Farid Bahar says:

Why always nerds?

t5e2 says:

why not just get a helicopter? no need for runways.

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